Monday, May 9, 2011

Beta is Negative.

Nothing more I can say really. $15,000 down the drain. Excuse me while I throw up.


Anonymous said...

I know it's hard, but don't give up yet. I, too, went to Dr. Slayden and was told my embryos were perfect and we decided to transfer only 1. That cycle failed and we were crushed. However, they did freeze 5 embryos and we did a frozen cycle a few months later. This time I wasn't under as much stress and we decided to transfer 2. We got pregnant with twins that cycle and my babies are now 6 months old. It will happen -- :-)

Kristin (kekis) said...

ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. I'm sorry even though I know those words don't help anything. IF is such a bitch and make absolutely no sense.