Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One more week!

One more week and we'll finally be at our follow-up appointment with Dr. Slayden. I am so excited! I hope we can come up with a plan at this appointment. I hope this plan works. I hope that I get pregnant with this plan. I hope I don't get disappointed. I have a lot of hope at this point.

I had my follow-up with my Endocrinologist last week and received good news. The ultrasound did show that it is Graves disease. I've also been on PTU for a month now and my levels are finally going back to normal. I won't have to have my thyroid removed and I hope that one day drinking iodine will be removed from the list all together. I don't go back for another 5 weeks and I'll only see a PA. I'm really excited about this progress and hope that good news continues our way.

My DH has to have an ultrasound and another SA this Wednesday. Thank goodness he was able to schedule this before our appointment on the 20th. I want everything out of the way.

My period seems to be "normal", if what you consider normal is starting your period on the first day of a new pack of birth control. So I've taken two packs of BC and I've had two periods that have started on the same exact day each time. I'll take what I can get these days. Hopefully, this will be my third and final pack for a while.