Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hCG tonight!

I am so excited! My ultrasound showed that my endometrium lining is good to go. I have 5 follies. Three are mature, possibly four. I could have taken the shot last night and do the insimination on Wednesday but my DH is unavailable all day in a very important ride along. So we are doing the insimination Thursday morning. After all of this time this amazing possibility leaves me without enough words to express my excitement plus nerves.

Please pray that everything goes as planned!!


A n T said...

Sorry I'm late...but WooHoo! Glad that all looked well before the trigger.

How did DH's numbers look?

Will you be testing early or waiting out?

Prayers that we can find one of those golden eggies!

TheDales said...

Numbers were great! He had 36 million (Best he has ever had) and 11 million post wash. I'll probably test early because I won't be able to stand it...I've already tested out the trigger and it is out of my system.