Monday, February 16, 2009

Sorry. . .

I'm such a bad blogger. But I do have a reason... I've been very busy. My grandmother died on the 7th and she had been in the hospital for a little over a week before that. I'll go into more detail about everything that went on but I want to update you on the process of our first IUI.

I'm currently waiting on an LH surge. So far nothing. I've finished taking the clomid so I'm down to taking Estrace until I ovulate. I had a ultrasound on Friday and it went okay. The tech told me I responded really well but when I spoke to the nurse she said I have 3 follies and they had hoped for more. One was 1.7cm and the other two were 1.3cm. She said the one that is so much larger than the other could cause me not to ovulate. My endometrium lining on Friday looked thin so the hope is it gets a little thicker over a few more days. I am going back in today for another ultrasound. I'm hoping for much better new today...

Please pray that everything turns out okay today!


A n T said...

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. (((HUGS)))