Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello? AF?

Today is Cycle Day 30. And no signs whatsoever. My previous 5 cycles were all 28 days or less. So where are you? I'm not sure if I mentioned before but on CD 2 I stopped taking Metformin as I wanted a break and it really is expensive. Could it be that the Metformin was actually working and I didn't even know it?

My RE called me on the 23rd but I didn't know the number so I didn't answer. He asked for me to call after the holidays so that we could go over our next plan. At the time I wasn't ready to hear what he said. I wanted to get through the holidays and not think about what went so wrong in 2009.

I'm now ready to hear what he has to say. I'm ready for AF to come. As soon as she does I will start taking the Metformin again. I will call my RE's office on Monday to speak with him. I also plan on calling the business office on Monday to find out if we overstim again how much is the cost to convert to IVF. I'm interested to hear if the cost is lower.

On Friday, my H and I went to Target and we wound up looking at the Christmas clearance decorations (of course :) While I was looking I found one of the stockings that matched the new ones I bought for Christmas...I couldn't help but buy it as I have this feeling we will need that extra stocking next year. :)

I'm ready for an awesome 2010!!


Hillary said...

Me too! Let's go 2010! :)

Brave China Doll said...

Hope that it's a great year for you! Metformin was the thing that finally got me pregnant. I had tried EVERYTHING short of IVF and that is what did the trick.

BTW, I only have one working fallopian tube, so I totally get all of that.

I was at my wits end, and figured it would never happen for us after all the failed treatments. As hard as this is, keep hoping.

Best of luck to you!