Sunday, July 5, 2009

I don't think we'll make it to Friday

On Friday afternoon I woke up from my nap and went to the bathroom (TMI warning) and when I wiped I had bright red blood on the tissue. After that it turned pink and then I didn't have anything else. I had a panty liner on and nothing was in it. I decided to wait and not call my doctors office because I felt fine and didn't have any cramps. I was also afraid they would send me to an ER and I know it's too early to see anything on an u/s. I woke up on Saturday morning and had another round of the bleeding. Just a wipe on the TP of red blood. After this episode I went the entire day without any sight on blood until we got home around 12 AM from our friends house. My panty liner was half filled with red blood and when I wiped I had another tp filled with blood.

I still haven't had any pain or cramps. I laid/sat on the couch basically all day on Friday trying to take it easy. Yesterday we spent the morning at home and went to my parents for lunch and then I laid in a float in the pool the rest of the afternoon. I did some standing up for a while at our friends house but nothing that should bring on more blood I would think. I'm scared but trying not to freak out. At this point I know they wouldn't be able to do anything for the bleeding - it's all in the hands of my uterus. I'm going to spend most of today taking it easy as well. I plan on calling my doctors office on Monday morning and see what they want me to do.


A n T said...

Praying that the bleeding is nothing and the little bean is still holding on strong. I know seeing red is scary! I was there!