Monday, September 28, 2009

Getting close

To our 3rd IUI. I had my first monitoring appointment on Friday and like every other cycle I wasn’t quite ready at that point. I had three on my left at 1.2, 1.2 and 1.5 and one on my right at 1.4. When the tech said I had three on my left I wanted to get up and dance since I’ve been having pep talks with my left ovary to work extra hard this time as I’m really depending on it! Although, I know that I can release an egg from my right side and it can travel down the left tube I didn’t want to put all of my “eggs” (haha) in that basket.

My Doctor wanted me to come back in today for another monitoring appointment. I had three on my left at 1.7, 1.7 and 1.8 and two on my right at 2.0 and 1.4. I am going to take ovadril tomorrow night for an IUI on Thursday (My previous two were both done on Thurdays as well!) I was actually given the option to take the shot tonight and then IUI on Wednesday with the on-call doctor at the Atlanta office but when I found out who the on-call doctor was I opted for Thursday. If you remember
this post from earlier this year you know why I don’t want to work with this doctor again. I’m so excited to finally be here again. By the time the IUI gets here I will have more 5 mature follies ready to release. Wow.

So I will hear from my nurse this afternoon about what needs to happen next…if I don’t get an LH surge over the weekend most likely I will return for another ultrasound on Monday and hope to then take ovadril and set up the IUI for Wednesday.

I did have my HSG last Tuesday. Everything went fine. The NP who did the procedure said that everything looks good but the end of the tube did look a little dilated. So no issues with the left tube – woohoo!


A n T said...

GL! Will be praying for you! I'm curious....who was the on call doc?

TheDales said...

Dr. Straub...his bedside manner was horrible and I just prefer not to deal with him again. I've heard some people say they like him but he left a taste in our mouth that was less than desirable. Anyone but him I would have been fine with. My last IUI I had Dr. Mitchell-Leef and I really liked her. She was nice and has a dry sense of humor.