Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a difference a day makes.

Wow. What a turn of events. I don’t want to jinx myself. Nor take away the excitement that I’ve felt since yesterday afternoon. But I had to share this with just more than my H and my doctor.

Since I went off of birth control in October of 2007 and we started actively TTC in January of 2008 I have not ovulated on my own without medical intervention…EXCEPT FOR THIS CYCLE!!! Holy crap. I decided on Sunday since I had a couple of sticks left for the digital OPK’s I would use it. Well, it didn’t detect a surge. I decided on my lunch break to oh what the heck and buy a pack from the store. I took the test around 1:00 and low and behold the test line popped up as dark as dark can be long before the control line. I started freaking out. I’ve never had this happen before. I sent my husband a text message telling him…It was the best afternoon I’ve had in a long time!!

My H also spoke to our doctor this afternoon. The gist of the conversation was about how we can’t afford IVF but our insurance will still pay for 4 more IUI’s. Our doctor explained that since I got the positive OPK we should get busy (HAHA J ) and hopefully in a couple of weeks they would see me for a beta. He then said if that didn’t work and I got my period to call the office to set up our next IUI cycle and an HSG to be positive my other tube is open. Awesome. I am so glad that he is open to doing more IUIs. I am also thankful he wants to do an HSG to be sure my other tube is free and clear.

For whatever reason it may be I decided before bed last night to take the last digital OPK that I had and it popped up a big ole’ smiley face J Wow. I think I even did a little dance.


A n T said...

Thats awesome! Praying you and hubby can catch that eggie! So glad to hear that Dr. S is on board with your plans. I always feel that he geniunly wants you to have a healthy baby as much as you want it yourself!

Hillary said...

That is so exciting!! I could hear the hope and happiness in your post. Enjoy a natural ovulation at home!