Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IVF Update

Extremely sorry for the lack of posts but after our last meeting our path to IVF included just more waiting. Waiting wasn't on my radar at the time and it just put me into a funk. Our meeting with the doctor included him wanting us to wait some more time, have a few tests done, start metformin again and lose weight. (ugh!!) When you aren't working waiting a couple months seems like an entire year!!

So here is a timeline of the events that have happened during the last couple of months:
2/22 - Found new OBGYN (LOVE him, more on that later), completed papsmear and talked him into sending me for all of my labs since we are now completely OOP due to a job change
2/24 - SHG performed - ALL clear!
2/26 - Sign up for Weight Watchers
3/28 - AF Shows, start BCP
3/29 - 2 hour glucose (all clear!) and complete labs
4/10 - Took last BCP
4/11 - Meeting with Dr. S and Nurse Consult
4/11 - DH SA

I had a horrible night sleep Sunday night. I woke up about every hour and then woke up at 7 AM a complete ball of nerves. I had to wake my husband up so I could just talk to him about anything but our meetings. I had so many fears he would want us to wait more.

But our meeting yesterday was exactly what I needed. We received the okay to move on and received our IVF Calendar! Right now my protocol is fairly simple as I am on the Antagonist Protocol. I will start with 225 iu. of Follisitim and Ganirelix. Dr. S hopes for a 5 day retrieval and after looking at what I've done in the past recommends transferring only 1 egg.

So my tentative IVF Calendar is as follows:
4/13 - Supression check
4/14 - 4/18 - Start Follistim
4/19 - First bloodwork and ultrasound appointment, continue Follistim
4/20 - 4/23 - Begin Ganirelix, continue monitoring appointments
4/25 - Tentative ER date
4/30 - Tentative ET date
5/5 - Beta draw

And so folks, there you have it! We are so very excited to begin this part of our life.

We are just ready to bring home OUR child.