Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm so bummed.

Last week was a pretty decent week. I worked all week long and didn’t cry near as much as the previous week. But something happened over the weekend. Someone flipped the switch and I felt like a totally different person.

We went to our friend’s 2 year olds birthday party on Saturday and you should have seen the excitement on her face as each gift was opened. She would start doing this little dance and not know what gift to go to she was so excited. I felt tears fill my eyes. I realized we may never experience our own child having this much excitement. Afterwards I just asked my husband to take me home. I took a four hour nap.

I didn’t do a thing on Sunday except cook dinner. I spent all day on the couch watching the television. It took a lot of convincing to get myself up and start dinner yesterday. I cooked one of our favorites but it didn’t turn out right and it bummed me out even more.

This may be the end of the road for us concerning TTC. Maybe not forever but I do believe for a very long time. I heard from RBA’s business office today and after speaking with my insurance company they will not pay for IVF. Just our deposit alone to the RE would be $10,250. This does not include any medications I would have to take.

I feel like my thoughts and my emotions are getting out of hand. I feel as if they aren’t valid and that I need to move on and face the facts. It’s just hard facing the reality that children may not be part of god’s plan for us. I just wonder when I'll be able to go a day, week or month without letting this affect who I am.

I realize this post is scattered but if you’re looking into my life right now that is exactly what it is…scattered.


Hillary said...

Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry you have to go through all this! I could really feel the pain and fear behind this post. I hope you get some direction about your next steps (if any).

I'm sure you've already thought about this, but is there any family member you could borrow money from to do IVF? Or do a less-expensive, mini-ivf/ micro-ivf? I have seen people on the nest posting about promo prices that many RE's are giving in this economy -- maybe you can look around your area and see if there's anything like that?

I wish this were all easier for you. :( (((hugs)))