Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This is just becoming so taxing that I can’t even remember to take all of the pills I’m supposed to take. I missed my last dose of Clomid. I ended up taking it the next morning when I remembered. And then last night, even though I knew it was important to take the estrace as we needed my lining to thicken up, I forgot it as well. So I took it this morning.

I feel like I am sabotaging this cycle and I don’t even know why. After this cycle if it doesn’t work we’re going to take some time off. We’ll wait until after the new year, possibly into spring before we start another cycle. I’m tired of doctor’s appointments and I’m most tired of taking medications.

If we ever had the chance to do IVF I’m not sure how I would handle it.


A n T said...

(((hugs))) I know how frustrating it can be. But if this cycle doesn't work and we hope it does, but if it doesn't I think you should jump right into another cycle. For the simple fact that you have maxed out your deductible for the year so insurance will cover you to do another IUI right? But if you wait till the beginning of the year then insurance starts over and your dedubctible starts over too right? Or is it a lifetime deductible?

Hillary said...

You're doing great - hang in there! I'm sure things will be fine despite the delayed med times.