Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lucky number four???

Yep. Lovely AF decided to come a day early. And honestly, I’m not upset. I did all the crying I’m going to do on Monday and Tuesday. I’m ready to move on to the next step. You want to know the best part? This next IUI is completely paid for by insurance! Not just the IUI itself…all appointments, etc. Hoorah! Last month when I went they had a new receptionist since the other lady had her baby and she said it shows I don’t have to pay anything but asked me if I normally paid anything because she had learned the patients know more about it then the paperwork tends to indicate. I decided that we had always paid 20% so I better go ahead in case something was screwed up on my paperwork. Well, by the time the IUI came around it still said that so I decided to let the office file it and see what comes of it.

Well, low and behold we were researching on the Aetna website last night and noticed that I had met my out of pocket amount. Wow. Really? So everything from here on out is 100% paid for. The plan is now to jump right into IUI #4.

And now I’m filled with excitement…which is great since on Monday and Tuesday I cried my heart out.


Hillary said...

Sorry about AF's arrival....but I'm so glad you have excitement and hope about the next cycle! And yay for insurance coverage!

A n T said...

Sorry to hear about AF showing...but yeah...awesome news about the insurance coverage!!!