Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today is CD24 and Day 6pIUI

and I have this overwhelming urge to POAFREAKINSTICK!!!!! Ugh! Although I know each time I would test out my trigger it would of been gone by yesterday...I still have the urge.

Oh...and the heartburn. Dear Lord the heartburn. Every freaking afternoon. My lunch starts to hit me by 3 and when I get in the car by 4:30 it is in full effect. Yesterday my H and I went to lunch at one of our favorite Italian places and oh man was it good. By the heartburn started around 3:00 and I went to bed with it. Milk and Pepto didn't help me. :(

Now off to see if I can hold on for 8 more days...I think we'll take a trip this weekend to Trader Joes. I'm so excited. Hopefuly cooking all of the delicious food this weekend will keep my mind off of POAS.


A n T said...

Can't wait till you start testing!!!

Hillary said...

Eek, so exciting! How are you holding up?!