Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not triggering...

Ultrasound and Blood work appointment 11/22
Left - 1.6, 1.6, 1.5, 1.5, 1.4, 1.4, 1.0
Right - 1.4, 1,4, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0
e2 - 2400

Are you as confused as I am? Yesterday my lead follie was 1.6?? The tech looked really confused when looking at the ultrasound and then looking at the paper from the previous day. She told me that it will look like one shrunk, but it didn't and to not be scared. She said that she measured it twice. Honestly, I'm not sure who to believe. I want my regular ultrasound tech at my normal office for my ultrasounds from here on out - I just don't trust either who did them this weekend.

Since my e2 shot up to 2400 they want me to go down to 75 iu's and come in tomorrow (at my normal office) for another ultrasound and blood work. I hope this is my last as my insurance only covers 6 ultrasounds per IUI cycle. We have a credit but it won't cover the entire ultrasound.

I'm also really scared that we're getting too close to having too many follies too close in size. I fear by the time we get to trigger that the 1.6 - 1.4's could all be mature - that would be 8 follies but two of them I have a hard time believing they would make it to the left tube since they are on my right ovary.

My other fear now that we aren't triggering tonight is that my IUI will fall on Thanksgiving and it will make an odd situation showing up late to lunch at my parent's house.

I guess we will just have to wait and see how things go down tomorrow...sigh.


A n T said...

(((hugs))) Thats the way things go with injects....all of a sudden you just blossom. I'm surprised though that they didn't trigger you last night and let the HCG mature the biggest ones during the 36 hours.

TheDales said...

Honestly, I was surprised they didn't drop me to 75 iu's on Saturday and then triggered me last night. As you will see from my new blog today I may be cancelled I'm doing so well :(