Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stimming Day 4 & 5

Ultrasound and Blood work appointment 11/19
Left - 1.3, 1.1, 1.0 and 1.0
Right - NONE
e2 - 521

I'd like to thank my left ovary for once again working it's oh so wonderful magic! If we can keep up the good progress I would greatly appreciate it!

Everything is good except I really am bruising from the shots. But it will all be worth it if we end up with a baby at the end of all of this!

My refill for the Follistim was only $10!!! I did a little dance when my H called and told me that! He said he had the credit card in his hand waiting thinking it was going to be super expensive. Our nurse told us the Follistim is about $100 per 100 iu’s – we about died!

Also, I'm afraid that H has the flu or the start of something. He has been complaining about just feeling "off" and somewhat achy along with a headache. Hopefully he can fight this off.

Our RE recommend Fertility Blend vitamins for H to take to help his s.perm count. Well, he took his first dose on Tuesday and within 10 minutes got sick. So we have decided that he won't be taking these as what is the point in spending $40 on vitamins just to make youself sick?


Hillary said...

Whoo-hoo! Great follies, and great news about cheap meds :) Glad this cycle is moving along so nicely!

A n T said...

Looking good Left ovary! Keep it up!!