Thursday, June 25, 2009

RE's office never called.

I'm somewhat peeved at my RE's office. Both nurses told me yesterday when they drew my blood that they get the results back between 2 and 4. So I waited, and waited, and waited and never heard from them. They open at 8 AM so you can bet I'll be calling them on the dot.

I'm not expecting a high beta number since the lines on the test are so light. I did have some very small spotting and light cramps last night. The spotting was a rusty color and it was very, very minimal. The cramping was light and only lasted about 10 minutes or so.

I really hope they have a good explanation as to why they didn't call me yesterday. It was very stressful and I don't appreciate it.


A n T said...

Sorry to hear they had you waiting all day and never called! You are better than me because I would have been blowing their phone up.